Silvergate Produces an Anti-Counterfeit Masterbatch, a UK First


Silvergate Plastics, the colour and additive masterbatch manufacturer based in Wrexham, North Wales, is this week able to announce the launch of Brand Protector, an additive masterbatch capable of providing, in either mouldings or extrusions, inherent counterfeit detection.

Much of Silvergate’s experience over the last twenty years has been gained in the packaging industry; and success has been achieved by accurate colour matching and levels of service, including quick turnaround, which only a few years ago were considered impossible. It was solving packaging industry problems that first led Silvergate to consider the threats posed by counterfeiting and the damage that could be inflicted on brands in all consumer markets.

Counterfeit products may be split into two types, those that consumers are prepared to accept at a lower price, like fake watches or clothing; and, even though there are ‘grey areas’, those that they will never accept; examples are fake drugs and personal care products. It is at these that Brand protector is aimed.

Brand Protector works by incorporating a number of ingredients into standard colour masterbatch, which react predictably in certain circumstances. The simplest example is a configuration of ingredients, which cause the finished moulding to show a pattern or dots when examined under a laser pencil light.

One way the system can work is for trading standards officers or the brand owner’s own staff to do spot checks for fakes in retail shops. Legal action may then be taken when one is detected. As importantly, a random sweep of say 100 units can indicate with a high statistical confidence level the quantity, if any, of counterfeits in the market.

Tony Bestall, Silvergate’s Managing Director said:

"Brand Protector differs from other anti-counterfeit packaging devices in that its presence is not obvious and it cannot be replicated by simple analysis of a genuine pack; its very existence will therefore deter all but the most determined and professional of criminals."

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